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Shinogi wo Kezuru
Japanese idiomatic expression with Japanese sword #1

There are some idiomatic expressions in the Japanese conversation referring to the Japanese swords. There seems to be most Japanese people even do not know those etymologies since a Japanese sword is no longer close to their daily life. I am going to introduce some Japanese expressions coming from the Japanese swords......



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Seven Veggie Porridge

In Japan, they enjoy having “nanakusa-gayu” on January 7 as their custom.....



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Osechi Ryouri (お節料理)
New Year Meal

What is Osechi Meal?

Osechi is the traditional meal prepared for New Year.....



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New Year's Decoration
from when to when?
There are three popular decorations for the New Year in Japan; e.g. “Kagamimochi, Kadomatsu & Shimekazari.”.....
Promote modern artisans of the Japanese traditional crafts
Start with the Japanese swordsmith
A lot of Japanese traditional crafts are facing to disappear since there are not so many demand/supporters to purchase these treasures just because of a lifestyle change and expensive price. In other words, their values are not well understood among the people.....