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Aiuchi - draw
Japanese idiomatic sentences #8 with sword
Aiuchi” means to hit or strike each other at the same time in flight.  If it was a samurai fight with Japanese swords, both of them might kill each other, not just hurt each other.....
What is KUMIKO?
Japanese traditional woodwork
As you may know that the traditional Japanese houses are made of woods and papers, the main part is wood. The partitions such as sliding doors, shoji screens and the shields from outside are papers with wooden frames....
Modern Japanese Swordsmiths
EnArtEx supports six smiths

We introduce six young modern swordsmiths as six swordsmiths are listed below. We will further touch each of them with more details in this series. 

We also deliver custom order swords, knives, name plates etc. what they make through the EC site. Stay in touch and feel free to contact us if you have any question to place an order.....



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Aizuchi wo utsu
Japanese idiomatic sentences #7 with sword
Tsuchi” is a tool to hammer some objects and swordsmiths use this tool when they make their swords. It is called “Aizuchi” when the master hits a stand while his disciple’s hammering to train a sword blade. As a result, .....
Hekizan II Challenge
Takatori ware from Toho village, Fukuoka, Japan
Hekizan II's challenge is how to respond to  and propose making pottery inherited from his grandfather into the next generation. Takatori ware has developed coexisting with natural materials and found beauty from them.....